How Often Should Your Air Conditioning System Be Maintained?

Longwine Services specialise in the installation and maintenance of premium air conditioning systems. Air conditioning is a fantastic asset for any building and worth looking after. So, how often should your air conditioning system be maintained?

Many property owners are unsure of how to look after their AC system correctly and may feel out of their depths. Here, we look at a simple summary of how you can ensure you maximise the productivity and longevity of your AC system.


Common Issues

There is an extensive range of AC systems available, to suit homes and businesses of different sizes and needs. All systems will need parts fixed or replaced eventually; this is unavoidable. Over time, they may also struggle to regulate the temperature correctly or overheat. This is rarely due to a design fault; it is merely the nature of all machines to decline over time. Therefore, they need looking after.

An AC system that is not well maintained may become a safety hazard and you could be breaking compliance regulations. Problems that are likely to arise from a poorly maintained AC system include overheating to the point of causing a fire or leaking chemicals that could be harmful. If you neglect to comply with regulations and people suffer harm, you may face legal action.


Regular Air Conditioning System Maintenance

By scheduling regular maintenance for your AC system, you will maximise what you get out of it. The return on your investment will increase significantly, the better you look after your system.

The general guidance is that you should have your systems serviced at least once a year. The recommendations will change depending on the size of your system, how you use it and any issues that may have presented themselves upon installation.

A large building with a complex AC system would be advised to have it serviced every six months, ideally once in the spring and again in the autumn.

Of course, if you notice any problems in your AC system outside of these times, do not wait until maintenance is due. Contact your air conditioning specialist for advice. Do not attempt a quick fix yourself. DIY air conditioning maintenance is likely to cause more harm than good.

For information on how Longwine Services can help with you air conditioning system, contact us on 07525488837.

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