Internal air conditioning – the information you need

Air conditioning is not just for summer; it is used all year round and is hugely beneficial for homes and businesses alike. The benefits of internal cooling include a more comfortable environment, cleaner air, and better sleep.

Here, we look at all the information you need on internal air conditioning.

Internal air conditioning explained
So, what is the difference between a traditional air conditioning system and internal air conditioning? The technology and performance of both are mostly the same. The main difference is that internal air conditioning is kept entirely inside your building. They are compact condensers that are ideal for small office spaces or apartments. They also do not require planning permission.

Internal condenser
An internal condenser is a small unit that can be easily concealed within your property. Common places include in a cupboard or under a sink. They will be entirely out of view.

An air conditioning specialist, such as Longwine Services, will form a yearly maintenance agreement with you. This means that you do not have to worry about the maintenance of your system.

Depending on your building’s location and size, installation of internal air conditioning could be performed in less than a day. The entire process, including clearing up any mess, is quick and efficient when working with professional air conditioning experts such as Longwine Services.

The benefits of internal air conditioning
As discussed above, there are many benefits to internal air conditioning. One advantage is that it can improve your sleep. If the weather is humid and clammy, an internal air conditioning system will cool you down to ensure your sleep is not disrupted. Sleep is essential for staying healthy in mind as well as the body. Good sleep improves daytime productivity and concentration, as well as better moods.

Another point to mention regarding productivity is that we all work better when comfortable in our environment. It is hard to stay focussed and dedicated when you are uncomfortably warm. Good quality, clean air is healthy and beneficial all round.

If you would like to find out more about the air conditioning services and products we offer at Longwine Services, contact a member of our team on 07525488837

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